Termos e Condições
Isenção de responsabilidade legal
Nutricionista Lilia Fernandes is committed to providing general information and guidance on nutrition. The content provided on this page is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice. We recommend seeking personalized advice from a qualified nutritionist or healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet or lifestyle.
Essential concepts for healthy eating
With that being said, terms and conditions ('T&C') are a set of legally binding terms defined by Nutricionista Lilia Fernandes as the owner of this website. The T&C establish the legal framework governing the activities of visitors to the site or clients during their visit or interaction with this site. The intention of the T&C is to establish the legal relationship between the site visitors and Nutricionista Lilia Fernandes, the site owner.
The T&C should be established according to the specific needs and nature of the site. For instance, a site that provides personalized nutrition plans and consultations will have different T&C compared to a site that offers general nutritional information and resources.
What to include in the T&C document
In general terms, the T&C often regulate the following issues: who can use the site; the possible payment methods; a statement that the site owner may alter their offerings in the future; the types of guarantees provided by the site owner to their clients; a reference to intellectual property or copyright issues when relevant; the site owner's right to suspend or terminate a member's account; and much more. For more information, please refer to our comprehensive guide.